This will be an extended meeting to discuss on going projects and potential projects for the year ahead.
Finger food will be supplied and all are welcome.
January 2019 Meeting Details
5:30pm — 7:30pm
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Function Room
Junee Ex-Services Club
Broadway, Junee
- Welcome any new community participants
- Apologies
- Conflict of interest
- Minutes of previous meeting
- Business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting
- Treasurer’s Report & Membership
- Correspondence
- Renew
- Golden Globe Award information session 28th Feb 2019
- Australia Day Award (Martin, Jen)
- Website and Facebook updates (Nicholas)
- OEH Energy Efficiency workshop 2nd April (Natalie)
- Junee High School (Jen)
- 40kW solar installation (Jen and Dennis)
- Student program
- Electrical testing (fridges, TV, home entertainment systems) for JHS science and PS classes? (Dennis)
- Junee Community Centre (Holly)
- Solar instillation (Dennis)
- Electrical monitoring
- Senior Citizens Hall
- Solar instillation and monitoring
- Junee Shire Council (Neil)
- Junee sewage works PV
- Renew Shoalhaven project
- Broadway Museum?? – desperately needs solar PV
- Perpetual Fund (Dennis/Doug)
- Fund raising with membership drive
- Other Business — Discussion Points
- Setting up the Senior Citizens hall and Community Centre halls as teaching resources to help educate the community and be an ongoing teaching resource for JHS, JPS, CSU. Reported above.
- Lawson house – opportunity for energy efficiency project; refrigerators and TV testing needed; potential for new energy efficient units to be built; community garden potential – Junee Community Centre/JHS
- Cooinda Court – discuss options to assist
- Athenium Theatre – solar PV installation; heritage??
- Micro-grids – looming problem with household solar PV/potential solar garden in Wagga
- Grid issues: TRY Yackandandah; SP Ausgrid/Essential energy; Hume Renewable Energy Map; RAW Wodonga and Albury
- Small scale energy upgrades -sporting clubs, etc ??
- Other ideas
- Next meeting: 27th February 2019
- Meeting Close