ABC News published a story entitled “Solar Batteries: Australians see energy storage as the future, poll finds” on September 22, 2017.
The story highlights the results of a poll of 2000 Australian households regarding solar storage batteries.
In response to the question “What do you think is the primary motivation for people adding batteries to their home or business?” the poll found;
- 51.40% Reducing power bills
- 16.90% Having more control over their bills
- 13.3% Getting off the grid
- 12.20% Unsure/Don’t Know
- 6.2% Protecting themselves from blackouts
“It shows that Australians do understand that renewables — particularly solar and increasingly battery storage — provide a solution to high power prices,” the Climate Council’s Andrew Stock said.
“I think it’s very encouraging that Australians really do get the importance of new technology. There is very little appetite for keeping aging coal fire stations running in the Australian populace, frankly,” he said.
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